Hi! This is Alexis, and today I'll be talking you through the chronological order of the Warrior Cats series. If you want to get into Warrior Cats, you really have to understand the order of the books. It doesn't make any sense if you go helter-skelter randomly through books. The Warrior Cats series is divided into arcs of six books each. Currently, they are on the seventh arc and the third book.
Arc 1

The Prophecies Begin
Despite this arc not being the first in chronological order, it makes the most sense to begin there, as it introduces a vital main character and explains the ways and customs of Clan life for beginners to the series.
1. Into the Wild
2. Fire and Ice
3. Forest of Secrets
4. Rising Storm
5. A Dangerous Path
6. The Darkest Hour
Arc 2

The New Prophecy
Note: I'll be explaining the other novellas and where they take place in the series later, but in between the second series and the first, there is a super edition called Firestar's Quest. It's not vital that you read it but it would be recommended.
1. Midnight
2. Moonrise
3. Dawn
4. Starlight
5. Twilight
6. Sunset
Arc 3

Power of Three
1. The Sight
2. Dark River
3. Outcast
4. Eclipse
5. Long Shadows
6. Sunrise
Arc 4

Omen of the Stars
1. The Fourth Apprentice
2. Fading Echoes
3. Night Whispers
4. Sign of the Moon
5. The Forgotten Warrior
6. The Last Hope
Arc 5

A Vision of Shadows
1. The Apprentice's Quest
2. Thunder and Shadow
3. Shattered Sky
4. Darkest Night
5. River of Fire
6. Raging Storm
Arc 6

The Broken Code
Note: Before, I mentioned that the super edition Firestar's Quest is not essential to the flow of the books (although it helps very much). But the super edition Squirrelflight's Hope is essential to the series. I didn't realize this and read the series without reading Squirrelflight's Hope first and that was a mistake.
1. Lost Stars
2. Silent Thaw
3. Veil of Shadows
4. Darkness Within (unreleased, will release on November 10, 2020)
5. The Place of No Stars (unreleased)
6. The Broken Code 6 (unreleased)
Bonus Arc
Dawn of the Clans
Dawn of the Clans is an origin series on the cats that started the Clans and how they came to their territories. It's not necessary but gives an interesting history with well-developed characters that is definitely worth a read.
1. The Sun Trail
2. Thunder Rising
3. The First Battle
4. The Blazing Star
5. A Forest Divided
6. Path of Stars
Non-Chronological Books
These books don't have a specific time in which they were written. They're mostly field guides and background books -- not necessary but very interesting. Some of them may contain some spoilers so read at your own risk if you decide to check these out.
Field Guide 1: Secrets of the Clans
This book contains background stories on characters, maps to territories, and other things that you should be fine to read if you have read up to Power of Three: The Sight.
Field Guide 2: Cats of the Clans
This is not unlike the book before it: it contains background information and other unnecessary information. Although the idea is good, the editing is quite bad so be prepared for some errors. Do not read until you are up to Power of Three: The Sight.
Field Guide 3: Code of the Clans
This book highlights the warrior code, an unspoken set of laws that dictate Clan life, and the stories behind how it began and how it was formed. Do not read until you are up to Power of Three: The Sight.
Field Guide 4: Battles of the Clans
This book shows the different battle techniques the other Clans used in battle, as well as reoccurring battles and important fights in Clan history. Do not read unless you're up to Power of Three: The Sight and have also read Firestar's Quest.
Field Guide 5: Enter the Clans
This book is basically Code of the Clans and Secrets of the Clans combined.
Field Guide 6: The Ultimate Guide
This book is a new and updated version of Cats of the Clans with current cats, changed artwork, and updated biographies. I'm not sure at what book you should be at to read this, but it's definitely past Power of Three: The Sight.
All Books, In Order
If you want to read strictly to the script and read every book in the right order, here's a list for you. The Warriors series has over 80 books so this should keep anyone occupied for a very long time.
Dawn of the Clans
- The Sun Trail
- Thunder Rising
- The First Battle
- The Blazing Star
- A Forest Divided
- Path of Stars
- Super Edition: Moth Flight's Vision
- Novella: Thunderstar's Echo
- Novella: Shadowstar's Life
- Novella: Cloudstar's Journey
- Novella: Mapleshade's Vengeance
- Novella: Pinestar's Choice
- Novella: Goosefeather's Curse
- Super Edition: Tallstar's Revenge
- Super Edition: Yellowfang's Secret
- Super Edition: Crookedstar's Promise
- Super Edition: Bluestar's Prophecy
- Novella: Spottedleaf's Heart
- Manga (standalone): The Rise of Scourge
- Novella: Redtail's Debt
- Into the Wild
- Fire and Ice
- Forest of Secrets
- Novella: Tigerclaw's Fury
- Rising Storm
- A Dangerous Path
- Manga (Tigerclaw and Sasha): Into the Woods
- Manga (Tigerclaw and Sasha): Escape from the Forest
- The Darkest Hour
- Super Edition: Firestar's Quest
- Manga (Tigerclaw and Sasha): Return to the Clans
- Manga (Ravenpaw's Path): Shattered Peace
- Manga (Ravenpaw's Path): A Clan in Need
- Manga (Ravenpaw's Path): Heart of a Warrior
- Super Edition: SkyClan's Destiny
- Midnight
- Moonrise
- Dawn
- Starlight
- Manga (Graystripe's Adventure): The Lost Warrior
- Twilight
- Sunset
- Novella: Leafpool's Wish
- Manga (Graystripe's Adventure): Warrior's Refuge
- Manga (Graystripe's Adventure): Warrior's Return
- The Sight
- Dark River
- Outcast
- Manga (SkyClan and the Stranger): The Rescue
- Manga (SkyClan and the Stranger): Beyond the Code
- Manga (SkyClan and the Stranger): After the Flood
- Eclipse
- Long Shadows
- Sunrise
- Novella: Hollyleaf's Story
- The Fourth Apprentice
- Novella: Mistystar's Omen
- Fading Echoes
- Night Whispers
- Sign of the Noon
- The Forgotten Warrior
- Novella: Ravenpaw's Farewell
- The Last Hope
- Novella: Dovewing's Silence
- Super Edition: Crowfeather's Trial
- Super Edition: Bramblestar's Storm
- Super Edition: Hawkwing's Journey
- The Apprentice's Quest
- Thunder and Shadow
- Shattered Sky
- Darkest Night
- Super Edition: Tigerheart's Shadow
- Novella: Tawnypelt's Clan
- River of Fire
- Raging Storm
- Super Edition: Squirrelflight's Hope
- Lost Stars
- Silent Thaw
- Veil of Shadows
- Super Edition: Graystripe's Vow
- Darkness Within
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